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Bales admits to murder of 16 Afghan civilians in their sleep
March 11, 2012: Robert Bales Kills 16 or 17 Afghan Civilians in the Kandahar Massacre
Former neighbors react to Bales confession to Afghan massacre
Robert Bales Mass-Murder of 16 Civilians by US Terrorist Soldier In Kandahar AFG
Army Sgt. Bales pleads guilty in Afghan murders
Soldier with Tri-state ties, charged with 16 Afghan murders
USA - Soldier charged with killing 16 Afghans to plead guilty, lawyer says
Brother of victim reacts as US soldier admits killing 16 Afghans, but escapes death penalty
Robert Bales mental state during Afghan shootings
Attorney: Sgt. Bales has no memory of Afghan shooting
Contradictory Portrait of Sgt. Bales
+4:3 EXCLUSIVE soldier charged with killing 16 Afghans to plead guilty, lawyer says